Phil Harland over at Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean blog has put together a series of fascinating posts on the “life” of Jesus from the New Testament Apocrypha. They are available here, here, and here. I encourage you to check them out (this has nothing to do with the fact he’s a friend from Toronto!).
Yearly Archives: 2005
Leviticus Scroll Fragment Article Now Online
My ChristianWeek article on the Leviticus Scroll fragments is available online here (I have also heard it will be picked up by
In addition, I have brought together my posts and pictures of the fragments — including some new hi-resolution pictures –at my Resources Relating to the Dead Sea Scrolls pages.
TWU Septuagint Institute Press Release
I originally announced the creation of the Septuagint Institute at Trinity Western University back in July (“Septuagint Institute at TWU/ACTS“). I just received my invitation to the the official Septuagint Institute inauguration as well as the special dinner; I know it would be quite a drive (11 hours), though I may attend if ony to touch base with Pietersma.
The following Press Release (via 24-7PressRelease) has quite a bit of good information, so I think it is worth quoting in full:
Translating history: TWU and ACTS now North America’s hub for Septuagint studies
/24-7PressRelease/ – LANGLEY, BC, CANADA, August 24, 2005 ”The Septuagint, the earliest Greek translation of the Old Testament and the Bible of the early Christian church, was one of the key religious texts in the third century B.C. ”and it’s soon to have a high profile in western Canada. On September 17, Vancouver’s Trinity Western University launches the Septuagint Institute, a hub for Septuagint research, translation, and publication projects.
Even prior to the official inauguration, the Institute has received national support. Until recently, the place to go for Septuagint studies in Canada was the University of Toronto. Now two Toronto professors—among the world’s foremost authorities on the Septuagint—are donating their personal libraries to the next generation of researchers in ancient Greek texts at TWU and ACTS, making Langley a flagship for such scholarship in not only in Canada, but in North America. One of the Toronto Septuagintalists, Professor Albert Pietersma, will be giving a lecture at the Institute’s inauguration. Other speakers will include Professor Emanuel Tov of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, also a Septuagint specialist and the Editor-in-Chief of the recently completed Dead Sea Scrolls publication project, and ACTS Professor Robert Hiebert, Ph.D., Director of the new Septuagint Institute.
“The launch of the Septuagint Institute is a truly historic event,” says Hiebert, “not only for our campus, but also for Canadian and international biblical scholarship. This new research centre is the only one of its kind in North America, which makes it vital since the Septuagint is such an important part of Jewish and Christian history in the Graeco-Roman period.”
Hiebert, who reads Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and Latin, as well as German and French, has spent much of his academic career to date in Septuagint research. He and three other TWU and ACTS professors have recently completed translating portions of the Septuagint into English. These specialists are part of an international team of more than thirty scholars working on the entire corpus of the Greek Jewish Scriptures. It is the first such English version in 160 years. Called the New English Translation of the Septuagint (NETS), the text reflects both the wealth of manuscript evidence that has been brought to light since the 19th century and, of course, current English idiom. The complete translation is scheduled for publication in 2006 (Oxford University Press), though provisional editions of more than twenty Septuagint books are now accessible online (
Hiebert says that knowledge of the differences between the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek Septuagint contributes to an understanding of the Bible’s transmission and interpretation history. “One example involves the description of Enoch in the book of Genesis,” he says. “The Hebrew Bible reports that he walked with God, while the Septuagint states interpretatively that he was well pleasing to God, which is precisely how the New Testament puts it.” Citing instances in which the Septuagint of Genesis reflects cultural shifts, he mentions the story of Rebekah’s betrothal. The Hebrew text says that the gifts she received included a nose ring, but the Septuagint reads earrings “because nose rings weren’t part of the fashion scene in third century B.C. Alexandria, Egypt where the translation likely took place.”
SI is expected to complement TWU’s already established Dead Sea Scrolls Institute (DSSI) which was established in 1995.
“Having the Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint Institutes at the same university makes a lot of sense,” says Hiebert. “Both Hebrew and Greek texts provide important parts of the picture of how the Bible came about and, in fact, often represent distinctive vantage points from which that picture may be viewed. Yet some very interesting convergences also become evident as one investigates those textual histories.”
“We have people qualified in both areas,” he continues. “The creation of the DSSI was an intentional move by the university from the outset, but the idea for the SI really began to develop once we started to notice how many people with expertise in Septuagint research had found their way to this campus. When you consider how much the University of Toronto’s Septuagint Studies program accomplished with only two experts in the field while we have four, it gets really exciting.”
Those in the Greater Vancouver area are invited to attend the official Septuagint Institute inauguration on September 17, 2005 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at TWU in the Northwest Auditorium. Contact: (604) 513-2121 x.3866;
Trinity Western University, located in Langley, B.C., is a not-for-profit Christian liberal arts university enrolling over 3,500 students this year. With a broad based, liberal arts and sciences curriculum, the University offers undergraduate degrees in 38 major areas of study ranging from business, education and computer science to biology and nursing, and 14 other graduate degrees including counselling psychology, theology and administrative leadership. For more information:, (604) 888-7511
Jesus Junk and Christian Kitsch, Volume 3
I sat in meetings all day (I love being back from sabbatical — really!). In honour of my boring day, I figured it was about time for another light-hearted installment of “Jesus Junk and Christian Kitsch” (for previous installments, see volume 1 and volume 2, as well as related posts here).
This time I am tackling the whole area of “Christian” clothing. I know I said in my last installment that I was going to cover Christian toiletries (somewhat relevant considering my “potty” posts), but all I could find (thankfully!?) were these items:

From left-to-right you have the cleansing Bar of Faith Prayer Soap, Bar of Faith Hand & Body Lotion, and Bar of Faith Conditioning Shampoo. You know what the Bible says, “Cleanliness is next to godliness!” You can purchase these all from Christian Toiletries, Inc.
Anyhow… back to Christian clothing… This topic isn’t quite as “kitschy” as others. The importance of distinctive dress for some in the community is emphasized in both the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible (tefillin, tzitzit, etc.) and the New Testament (head coverings, modest dress for women). Historically Christians have often distinguished themselves from others through clothing (and some still do, e.g., Hutterites, Amish Mennonites, etc. — As a side note, Colleen McDannell has a great discussion of Mormon under garments in her book, Material Christianity: Religion and Popular Culture in America [Yale University Press, 1995; Buy from | Buy from]). And, hey, my own kids wear tee-shirts from the Christian camps they attended and I even sport a Dead Sea Scrolls tie every once and a while!
When the Bible talked about distinctive dress, however, I’m not sure that this is what was intended! (And I wonder if any of these have ever been challenged in regards to copyright infringement?)
Christian Tee-Shirts
The Christian Tee-Shirt is a staple of Christian merchandising. Some classics are the Coke and 7/11 knock-offs:

I was actually surprised how many different “Christian” Tee-Shirts there are (see here and here for more). Some others I found interesting, include the following shirt which I hear looks quite similar to a beer bottle label, as well as another one that I wasn’t quite sure about until I discovered that the hand configuration means, “I love you” — isn’t that sweet!

This Atkins diet-inspired shirt is also quite trendy, though it is guilty of false advertising since paper is probably quite high in carbs!

And, of course, you can get shirts for kids:

(I have to admit that these are rather cute — even the Bob the Builder knock-off).
“Christian” Socks and Undergarments
I found quite a few varieties of “Christian” socks (gee, I wonder if they smell or if you can walk on water with them?!), and even some underwear!

There is a whole line of “Wait Wear” panties with slogans such as “Abstinence Ave. Exit When Married,” “Traffic Control. Wait for Marriage,” or “No Vows. No Sex” (The only question I have is who will be reading this underwear?)

There is also a bunch of underwear that can’t really be called Christian because they appear to be mocking Christianity — I won’t bother showing any here.
I was quite surprised, however, to find the following rubber top sporting a Christian icon on it:

I should probably clarify how I came upon this image — and no, I was not searching for “Christian bras”! Earlier this summer I volunteered at a “Jerusalem Marketplace” Day Camp, so in an effort to discover what authentic garb in first century Jerusalem would look like, I did some Google searches for “first century Palestine clothing” and the like, and I found the bra above when searching for “Jesus clothing” (honest… check it out for yourself. It was even with moderate safe-search selected!). OK, enough explanation!
Hebrew Bible Related Reviews from RBL
The latest Review of Biblical Literature is out. Noteworthy are the reviews by bibliobloggers Joe Cathay and Jim West (two reviews!). Otherwise this issue is a bit sparce, to say the least!
- Gerhard Von Rad, From Genesis to Chronicles: Explorations in Old Testament Theology. Reviews by Joseph Cathey, Alphonso Groenewald, Henning Reventlow, and James West
- Bernard Witek, Dio E I Suoi Figli: Analisi retorica della Prima Raccolta Salomonica (Pr 10,1-22, 16). Review by James West
- Dietz Otto Edzard, Sumerian Grammar. Review by John Gee