Unicode Hebrew Problem FIXED

UPDATE: The unicode problem is fixed, though it looks like I will have to redo the Unicode Hebrew in old posts if I want them to show up right. The issue was when I installed WordPress at my new host, I failed to change the character set from the default to UTF-8. D’oh!

So it looks like Hebrew and Greek will now show up fine. The question is whether or not I will bother to go through all my old posts and fix them!

Thanks for all of the suggestions.


OK, as you may have noticed in my last few posts, as well as looking back in my archives, my blog is having some problems with unicode Hebrew. The following line of Hebrew is represented as a string of question marks in my browser:

‏הבל הבלים הכל הבל‎

As far as I can tell, this happened after I moved my blog to a new host provider. I can’t figure out what the problem is. I have the message encoding for pages and feeds set to UTF-8, which I believe is correct. Is there some other setting hiding somewhere that I am unaware of?
Anyone have any ideas?

8 thoughts on “Unicode Hebrew Problem FIXED

  1. Did changing hosts alos involve upgrading WordPress? An earlier upgrade caused me no end of Unicode problems, until I found a run-once plug-in (whose name I’ve forgotten, sorry) on the Wordpres site. That fixed it very easily.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I am wondering if it is something tied to the upgrade and uploading my SQL database. I found a WordPress plugin that is supposed to convert everything back to UTF-8, but I am hesitant to run it. I never used to have any problems, so it must be something to do with the new install.

  3. If it is any help I copied the code of your page and pasted Hebrew Unicode text from my wordprocessor which then displayed fine. It seems the problem may be that WP is replacing your Hebrew with the ??? itself before posting the posts….

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