Amazing Archaeological Discovery: Garden of Eden Found!

I was at the local 7/11 (thank heaven) earlier today refilling one of those DoubleGulp cups that litter my office and was amazed to find out from the cover of this week’s World Weekly News that the Garden of Eden has been Found! They claim that the garden is at the bottom of the Persian Gulf, which is ridiculous since we know from reading the Bible that Eden would be a mountaintop garden since four rivers found their source within it! Duh!

What I find really confusing is that while the story is on the cover of this week’s issue, the online version says it was published 02/12/2001?! Was it just found or was it four years ago? Talk about shoddy reporting! Can’t trust nobody! (And unfortunately there is no ‘Atiqot or IAA report on this exciting discovery!)

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