Friday Fun from YouTube

I have been down in the dumps for a number of things, but these videos from YouTube have put a smile — or perhaps more accurately a grimace — on my face, so I wanted to share them with the three people who still check out codex to see if I will awake from my slumber and actually start posting again.

Is Jesus Your Friend?

This video is hilarious in a weird sort of way — did people actually sing stuff like that seriously? According to the interview with the lead singer of Sonseed (and more) over at dougsploitation.

Star Wars Trumpet Dance

I’m not gifted musically… but I can tell when something is not right. This beauty pageant contestant should get an “E” for effort, but not so much for achievement.

(HT to my colleague Jeff for directing me to these videos)

5 thoughts on “Friday Fun from YouTube

  1. Well, knowing nothing about Sonseed until I checked the link after watching some of the clip, my first reaction was that it was a parody of the 1980s, so, yes, they really did do stuff like that then. I was particularly taken by the line that says that one can love Jesus and still play rock and roll, given that the song is *so not* rock and roll.

  2. Good to hear from you again Tyler. And it must be pleasing to know that even with reduced traffic you’re still one of the top 50 Bibliobloggers on NT Wrong’s blog!

    I love the Jesus is my friend video. So, so awful. Thanks for the reminder.

    Hope things start looking up soon.


  3. i’m glad the body wagon hasn’t come to claim you yet. but i never doubted that if it did, you’d sit straight up and yell ‘i’m not dead yet!’


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