Hebrew Bible Related Reviews from RBL (5 September 2005)

The latest Review of Biblical Literature has come out; here are the reviews related to the study of the Hebrew Bible:

  • Jean-Jacques Glassner, Mesopotamian Chronicles (Edited by Benjamin R. Foster). Review by R. J. van der Spek
  • Innocent Himbaza, Le Décalogue et l’histoire du texte: Etudes des formes textuelles du Décalogue et leurs implications dans l’histoire du texte de l’Ancien Testament. Review by Paul Sanders
  • Martin Kessler, ed., Reading the Book of Jeremiah: A Search for Coherence. Review by David Glatt-Gilad
  • John M. Miller, Proverbs (Believers Church Bible Commentary). Review by Gregory Glazov
  • Tamara Prosic, The Development and Symbolism of Passover until 70 CE. Review by William Gilders
  • Christoph Auffarth and Loren T. Stuckenbruck, eds., The Fall of the Angels. Review by John Collins
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