One Year Blogiversary & 40,000th Visitor Contests

Things in my little universe are converging. The visitor count for my blog is approaching the magic 40,000 number. My one year blogiversary is also approaching on April 8, 2006. What is more, my own 40th birthday is fast approaching (I was born on the morning of April 1st, 1966 — and yes, I know that is April Fool’s day! And yes, I know how appropriate people who know me think that is! :-)).

At any rate, if I have done my math right, it may be possible to reach the 40,000 visitor mark on my actual 40th birthday! This will mean that my vistor count will also have to be a bit above average for the next three weeks. In order to meet this goal and to reward my 40,000th visitor, I have decided to have a couple contests.

Tell-A-Friend about Codex Contest

First, in order to raise my visitor count to ensure I hit 40,000 on or before my birthday, I am going to have a “Tell-A-Friend about Codex Contest.” The rules of the contest are simple:

  • Email a friend about Codex: Biblical Studies Blogspot — whether about the blog in general or about a particular post that you liked — and tell them to visit. The email should say something about my blog (“It’s the greatist thing since sliced bread”) and include the url to the blog ( Here’s the catch: you need to CC me the email at “contest[at]biblical-studies[dot]ca.” The cc’d email will constitute your entry. (Remember to CC me or I won’t know you entered.)
  • Then after 12 noon on my 40th birthday (April 1, 2006, MST), I’ll pick an email completely at random from the cc’d emails sent to the above address and, presto, that individual will be the lucky winner. (Don’t worry, these emails will only be used to pick and contact a winner of this contest. I promise.)

So get those emails going! And remember to tell them to visit us here at Codex! Feel free to email as many friends/enemies as you want or have — multiple entries are more than welcome! (BTW: email lists will only count as one person!)

In addition, a post on your blog with a trackback or a link back to this entry or this blog will also constitute one entry. All you need to do is email me at at “contest[at]biblical-studies[dot]ca” and let me know about the post.

40,000th Visitor Contest

As I have done in the past with my 10,000th visitor (see here), whoever is my 40,000th visitor will also be a winner! There is not much you can do but visit here often and perhaps even read something! Once I have hit the 40,000 mark, I will blog the time and location of the lucky visitor and then they can contact me via email and verify with their IP address. To be fair, I will change my site meter icon once we get closer to the 40,000 mark so that no one just sits there refreshing the webpage!

The Prizes

The lucky winners will be able to select a free book from a number of possible options (that I will provide you) that relate to the focus of this blog (e.g., Biblical Studies, Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Classical Hebrew, Faith & Film, Religion & Popular Culture, etc.).

Stay tuned for contest updates and good luck to everyone!

3 thoughts on “One Year Blogiversary & 40,000th Visitor Contests

  1. Pingback: Codex: Biblical Studies Blogspot » Blog Archive » Giveaways Galore!

  2. Pingback: Codex: Biblical Studies Blogspot » Blog Archive » “Tell-A-Friend about Codex” Contest Winner

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