Inexpensive Books and SBL Publications New Releases

The Society of Biblical Literature’s Summer 2005 Publications catalog is now available online. Included in it are three new releases:

Jim West over at Biblical Theology Blog has recently lamented the cost of books here and here, as has Torrey Seland over at the Philo of Alexandria Blog here. I (and especially my wife) would like to join the lament (so now it’s a bona fide communal lament!). I find it very difficult to purchase books from publishers in the U.K. and Europe due to budget constraints, and even if I did have the money, I’m not sure I could honestly justify the price in some cases. As someone who does typesetting and editing on the side, I also have a good sense of what goes into producing a book and the only conclusion I can draw is that materials and labour in the U.K. and Europe must be quite high! (Though I understand why some books, like DJD volumes are so expensive) On the other hand, I don’t think that the classic academic publishers are making money hand over fist on our esoteric academic offerings. That being said, I want to give public kudos to the Society of Biblical Literature for their joint publishing project with E.J. Brill Publishers. This excellent arrangement provides inexpensive volumes into the hands of students and scholars, whilebeautifullyy bound hardcover volumes areavailablee for libraries or independently wealthy scholars! It makes me proud to be a member! 🙂