Comment Spam Protection — Please Test

Since switching to WordPress a number of months ago, I have been getting quite a bit of spam in the form of comments on posts. Most of the comments have been innocuous enough, but some are rather x-rated. It hasn’t been too difficult to delete them, since I get a notice of all comments emailed to me. That being said, I have been thinking of adding some extra spam protection to my blog for a while. (Note that my spam filter — Akismet — has also caught 5,425 spam since switching over to WordPress! These are comments that I don’t even see).

I have decided to add a plugin called “Peter’s Custom Anti-Spam Image Plugin for WordPress.” This plugin makes users identify a random word displayed as an image in order to block spambots that cannot read the image. This means that there is an extra step for you to leave a comment on my blog, but I think it is worth the effort! What I liked about this plugin is that I get to choose the words that you have to identify! So I decided to add a bunch of words that relate to the content of my blog (and no, I did not include “useless trash” as one of the words!).

Feel free to test out the comment feature on this post and PLEASE let me know if it didn’t work for you! Thanks in advance to any testers!

Speaking of spam… check this out.

7 thoughts on “Comment Spam Protection — Please Test

  1. Woohoo! My anti-spam word was Greek, but now that I’ve announced it, you’ll have to re-edit your word list. Let me know if you like this set up because I’m considering adding it to my site.

  2. Don’t forget you can turn on the Akismet plugin which is included by default in wordpress. It catches 99.9999% of all spam I’ve had so far.

    At any rate, any spam control is good spam control.

  3. Glad to test the system for you!

    I have not yet had time to upgrade to “proper” blogging software, still using Blogger, so I hardly get any spam still. In view of the word I got for this comment (and a comment above about a related word) I wonder if your system gives the same image to everyone, if so it would still allow semi-automatic spam…

    Anyway enough rambling… hope it works well!

  4. hello ..
    i am looking for the translation of my name, plz. help mee.

    my name is sofie anna staack- petersen..

    hope you can and will help me.

    – sofie

  5. I have been looking every where for the proper way to write ezra kenegdo. I want to add it to a tattoo I have. I honestly don’t know if it should be written vertically or across. I don’t want to offend anyone or write it incorrectly. It would be on my ankle. Thank you so much!

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