Going Potty in Ancient Gath?! (GPAT 3.3)

The season at Tell es-Safi (ancient Gath) has almost come to a close. We have been able to follow the progress of the dig through their excellent blog here. On their July 31st update, they had an interesting discussion of Area F. What caught my eye was the object which they identified as a stone weight — I prefer to see it as an ancient potty!

This is the fourth in a series of semi-serious posts on “Going Potty in the Ancient World.� My other posts include:

All posts in this series may be viewed here.

While the identification of the object as a stone weight is possible, I’m not sure how they missed the clear indications that this object is indeed a toilet. The toilet paper and the fallen sign are clear giveaways to this amateur archaeologist!


This is exciting news… perhaps this is even the toilet that Goliath used before being killed by David! We have already found Goliath’s cereal bowl, and now this! All I can say is “Wow!” 🙂

(I sure hope Prof. Aren M. Maeir has a sense of humour!)

3 thoughts on “Going Potty in Ancient Gath?! (GPAT 3.3)

  1. Judging the size by the sign it could be big enough for Goliath to sit on, however, then I looked at the toilet paper, I fear this was a toilet seat for ordinary mortals, Goliath’s still remains to be uncovered next season!

  2. Thanks for your humorous series. On the technical side of things, I notice your permalinks are not working properly. It seems to be missing the “/blog/” prefix in your wp setting. Please check.

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