New Photograph of Leviticus Scroll and News Updates

While the news of the recently acquired scroll fragments of the book of Leviticus has spread to most news services, almost all of them are still reproducing the Associated Press article by Danielle Haas (e.g., The Jerusalem Post, among others). Agence France-Presse (AFP) has also now released a story on the scroll, though it has less details than the AP one. The AFP story did, however, come with a new photgraph of Israeli professor Hanan Eshel holding pictures of the scroll fragments (see picture to the right).

Bibliobloggers have also commented on the scrolls, focusing primarily on questions surrounding its discovery. Ed Cook at Ralph the Sacred River has some random thoughts on the scrolls, while Joe Weaks at the Macintosh Biblioblog cautions us to not get too excited as it very well may be a forgery. Jim Davila at Paleojudaica has responded to both blog entries here.

UPDATES: See here for more up-to-date blog entries on the Leviticus scroll fragments.