Hebrew Bible Related Reviews from RBL

As some other blogs have noted, the latest Review of Biblical Literature has been distributed. Reviews of books relating to the Old Testament and other Second Temple topics are listed below. Of particular interest are the reviews of Handbook to a Grammar for Biblical Grammar, which is the companion volume to Seow’s excellent deductive grammar (for a survey of different grammars, see my Introductory Hebrew Grammars page). Also noteworthy are the reviews of the re-issue of Mowinckel’s classic presentation of a cult-functional approach to the psalms, The Psalms in Israel’s Worship — especially since they are by noted psalms scholars.

  • Janet Howe Gaines, Forgiveness in a Wounded World: Jonah’s Dilemma. Review by Thomas Bolin
  • Jennifer S. Green, G. Brooke Lester, and Joseph F. Scrivner, Handbook To A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew: Revised Edition. Reviews by Daniel Bonilla-Rios and John Engle
  • Dirk J. Human and Cas J. A. Vos, eds., Psalms and Liturgy. Review by Dennis Tucker
  • Nathan MacDonald, Deuteronomy and the Meaning of Monotheism. Review by Yairah Amit
  • Sigmund Mowinckel, The Psalms in Israel’s Worship. Reviews by William Brown and Erhard Gerstenberger
  • Jacob Neusner, Judaism and the Interpretation of Scripture: Introduction to the Rabbinic Midrash. Review by Rivka Kern-Ulmer
  • Jacob Neusner, Transformations in Ancient Judaism: Textual Evidence for Creative Responses to Crisis. Review by Gabriel Levy