Cameron and Jacobovici producing The Tomb

According to a news release on CNW Group, filmmakers James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici (of The Exodus Decoded fame) have wrapped production on The Tomb (working title), a new biblical documentary-drama about the life of Jesus (at least that is as much as I could figure out from the press release).

Here’s an excerpt from the release:

The feature-length documentary uses present-day research to shed new light on events from the Bible. Drawing upon archaeology and forensics, Mr. Cameron and Mr. Jacobovici reveal facts that point toward a potential discovery of historic significance concerning the New Testament.

Mr. Jacobovici, the Emmy Award-winning filmmaker responsible for The Naked Archaeologist and Deadly Currents, directed the drama sequences, which will provide essential context for the documentary’s findings. He has described the Biblical recreations as some of the most historically accurate ever filmed.

Said Phil Fairclough, Executive Producer for Discovery Channel: “This is going to be a stunning documentary that confirms our commitment to telling the most important factual stories. We’re delighted to be working again with James Cameron and Simcha Jacobovici, who between them bring an unbeatable combination of documentary rigor and cinematic gloss.”

Mr. Cameron has previously produced Expedition: Bismarck (2002) and Last Mysteries of the Titanic (2005) for Discovery Channel.

Added Chris Johnson, Senior Vice President, Programming for VisionTV: “As Canada’s multi-faith broadcaster, we are excited to be part of a project that promises to have profound meaning for Christians and non-Christians alike. We have been privileged to work with Simcha Jacobovici before, and look forward to the results of this new collaboration with one of the world’s most acclaimed filmmakers, James Cameron.”

Jacobovici is also co-authoring a book with Charles Pellegrino related to the documentary, The Jesus Family Tomb: The Discovery, the Investigation, and the Evidence That Could Change History (HarperCollins, February 2007; Buy from | Buy from

This looks to be another slick production of questionable historical and academic value, much like Jacobovici’s other efforts (e.g., his Naked Archaeologist series). At the very least it should be a conversation starter.

4 thoughts on “Cameron and Jacobovici producing The Tomb

  1. A thriller based on this same discovery was published earlier this year, entitled “The Bone Box.” It details some real evidence for the proposition that the Talpiot tomb is the real thing. On sale at

  2. Pingback: Codex: Biblical Studies Blogspot » Blog Archive » The Jesus Family Tomb

  3. Probably will become proven untruthful, but even if it were true does that mean everything else is of no truth or value about Christ? The Gospels, miracles, St. Paul must all be phony too??? On going miracles of Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe(tilma) etc., is this too phony??? There are friendly people whom wish it is all phony, examine there garments then you may know! (some will understand that mystery)

  4. James Cameron’s documentary and the book, “The Jesus Family Tomb”
    are just another episode in humankind’s efforts to “Prove” that Jesus Christ is not our Risen Savior.
    Mr. Cameron says that these are the bones of Jesus and his family from about 2000 years ago.
    On August 17, 1989, The Lord revealed that the day was coming when there would be a great falling away from the Truth if people were not rooted and grounded in their faith.

    Jesus Christ etched His messages onto the face of the Rosetta stone at the foundation of the world and humankind carved their messages on the stone in 196 B.C.

    In early 1990, I started writing these messages in Journals called
    “The Arkansas Wilderness Revelation and Research Journals.”

    Excerpts from my 22 books reveal the following:

    The first message for the 21st century is etched into the face of the Rosetta stone describing the “Events” of 9/11.
    The Holy Bible describes the Events of 9/11
    Isaiah 30:25 – And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters (tears) in the day of the great slaughter,
    The face of the Rosetta Stone mentions the following movies and documentaries-
    Mel Gibson’s-The Passion of
    the Christ”
    Dan Brown’s – “The DA Vinci Code”
    Jim Carrey’s movie – “23”
    and James Cameron’s documentary and book -“The Jesus Family Tomb”
    Remember this stone was carved in 196 B.C.
    Also remember that God is Yesterday, Today and Forever.

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