Documentary Filmed during Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ

This was news to me: There was an Italian documentary filmed during the production of Mel Gibson’s controversial The Passion of the Christ. The film, directed by Francesco Cabras and Alberto Molinari, is called The Big Question. According to the official website, the documentary

is based on an idea which is both very simple, but at the same time quite complex: it poses extremely direct questions to a large and diverse group of people regarding their own intimate relationships with God, spirituality, and faith.

The fact that this group of people all worked on a set of a film about the passion of Jesus Christ provided for a far more attentive and profound answers.

Reports are that Mel Gibson, while appreciating the aesthetic look of the documentary, was uncomfortable with its theology and didn’t want it screened. Sounds interesting to say the least (see the IMDb information on the film here). It has been screened at a couple film festivals in 2004 (Toronto and AFI), with more screenings planned (for instance, it is being screened in Israel this week). I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled to see if it comes to Edmonton…