Indiana Jones Move Over… The Race for the Ark is On!

The Jewish Press has posted a story on the race for the lost Ark of the Covenant (Not Noah’s Ark — for the search for that Ark see here).

Evidently, both “famous archaeologist” “Dr.” Vendyl Jones and Lt. Barry S. Roffman of the U.S. Coast Guard are searching for the Ark using such proven techniques as the Bible Code (for Roffman) and the Talmud and “a mysterious kabbalist who has now given him his blessing to reveal the Ark by Tisha B’Av (August 14th)” (for Jones).

I’m not familiar with the Jewish Press, so I’m not entirely sure if the following is meant to be tongue-in-cheek:

So now, the world is waiting with bated breath. Will it be Jones or Roffman who finds the Ark of the Covenant? Will it be found in Israel or in Egypt? Will it be discovered by means of ground-penetrating radar?

What will be the religious, political and scientific implications and ramifications if it is found? And what else can we learn of the future from the words encrypted in the Bible codes or the secrets of the Talmud? We may not have long to wait.

At least for Jones there is a deadline! Ten days and counting…