A Couple New Books on the Dead Sea Scrolls

fields_dss.jpgA couple new books on the Dead Sea Scrolls came to my attention recently and appear to be quite interesting.

  • Weston W. Fields
    The Dead Sea Scrolls — A Short History
    (Brill, 2006; Buy from Amazon.ca or Amazon.com)
  • Edna Ullmann-Margalit
    Out of the Cave: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Dead Sea Scrolls Research
    (Harvard University Press, 2006; Buy from Amazon.ca or Amazon.com)

Fields’s brief work provides a sketch of the history of the Dead Sea Scrolls for a popular audience. Ullmann-Margali’s book, on the other hand, isn’t about the scrolls per se, but rather is about scrolls research. She examines the debates surrounding the scrolls, in particular the Qumran-Essene hypothesis.

One thought on “A Couple New Books on the Dead Sea Scrolls

  1. I just wanted to mention briefly that your DSS references lack two important reviews/items…

    Biblia Qumranica – critical editions of the “biblical” DSS. The volume on the Minor Prophets is now available (and can be previewed at ebooks.com)

    Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Reference Library 3 – I hoped you had reviewed this because it is unclear in other reviews whether 1. both biblical and non-biblical scrolls are on it 2. whether the CD-Rom software works with linux.

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