A Day of National Mourning: Canadian Men’s Hockey Team Eliminated

I can’t believe it! Say it isn’t so! The Canadian Men’s Hockey Team just LOST to Russia 2-0 and are eliminated from the Olympic playoffs. While the team wasn’t playing so hot the last couple games, no one really thought that they would be eliminated today by the Russians! Sad, very sad, indeed. I still can’t believe it.

It is an interesting commentary on the state of international hockey when the two teams packed with NHL professionals (Canada and the US Team, which also lost today) both lose in the quarter-finals. Pride before a fall or what?

7 thoughts on “A Day of National Mourning: Canadian Men’s Hockey Team Eliminated

  1. Hey Tyler. That was indeed a disaster!

    Thanks for the congrats re York.

    This is looking really great with wordpress! How was the transfer over? Bet you’re glad you did.. . ooohhh, categories…


  2. Me again. One thing you can do, if you want, is still have the post pages with the title of the post and titles of the categories as the file names (perhaps better for google hits, etc). I forget what I did to make that work on mine, but it should be clear somewhere in the online guide (any way, it was easy). Phil

  3. Tyler,

    I too am in mourning! When both the Canadian and U.S. teams were eliminated I read from Lamentations for my devotional today! Oh, what a Day of Yahweh it has been for we loyal hockey fans!

  4. Did you see Gretzky taking with Ron MacLean on the CBC after the loss. It was truly pathetic. He was so utterly dejected he could hardly hold his head up.

  5. I am so sad too! I was really counting on beating you guys, as it was brutal 4 years ago to live in Edmonton & lose both gold metal games.

    I am definitely in favor of going back to putting college guys on the team so they can practice together and actually be a “team”

  6. Commiserations, to you and all Canadians, since Richard spent a while in Canada we know what Ice Hockey means there, it must be like when the All Blacks were beaten by France (instead of Australia)!

  7. Gretzky was truly pathetic… and Don Cherry was hilarious… in a non-politically correct kind of way… especially when he basically said that there is no reason to watch any of the other games.

    Tim, as one who considers rugby the best sport in the world, the idea of France beating the All Blacks just doesn’t sit well with me, England or Wales (in my dreams) on the other hand…

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