Nifty Widget for Accordance 6.7

OakTree Software has just released Accordance Bible Software version 6.7. The free update fixes some font smoothing problems and includes a nifty little Accordance Widget for Macintosh OS 10.4 users. This widget is installed into your dashboard and allows you to retrieve verses instantly (OK, perhaps not instantly, but pretty quick!) from any text you may have installed in Accordance and paste them into a document you are working on. It’s like having your own Dead Sea Scroll on your desktop! Nifty-keen-o-wow is all I can say.

Here are some screen shots. I have it set to retrieve from the tagged Hebrew Bible text (BHS-W4):

This is the widget as it appears “closed”

Here is the widget with some text ready to be copied into a word file

Naked Archaeologist Spotted in Canada!

OK, now that I have your attention, VisionTV — the primary religious cable television channel in Canada — announced the world primiere of a multi-part documentary series on archaeology and the Bible starting in September 2005. From the press release it looks like it will be interesting to say the least! Sorry… no pictures available!

Here is the press release:

Simcha Jacobovici is The Naked Archaeologist.

In this world premiere documentary series for VisionTV, the two-time Emmy Award winning producer and director shows viewers Biblical archaeology like they’ve never seen it before.

He dances. He raps. He clambers under barbed wire and over fences in search of the most extraordinary archaeological finds from the ancient Middle East, and crosses swords with some of the world’s foremost archaeologists, historians and scientists.

Shot on location in Israel, Egypt and Greece, The Naked Archaeologist airs on Mondays, starting Sept. 5 at 9:30 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. ET , and repeats on Tuesdays, starting Sept. 6, at 10:30 p.m. ET .

Fast, funny and irreverent (think the Ali G. meets Indiana Jones), Jacobovici asks the questions we all want to know the answers to: Why is it so bad to be called a Philistine? Was Jezebel really that sexy? What do you do when you find a 2,000-year-old palace under your house? And where do you stop for a good falafel when you’re on your way to find the real Mount Sinai?

“My goal,” says Jacobovici, “is to demystify the Bible in general, and archaeology in particular, to brush away the cobwebs and burst academic bubbles.”

Drawing on years of personal research and his experience in bringing history to life on the screen, Jacobovici fearlessly probes some of the most controversial new theories in Biblical archaeology: that an African army rescued Jerusalem in the 8th Century B.C.; that the invention of the alphabet contributed to the Biblical Exodus; and that recently discovered Bronze Age ceramic penises may explain why Delilah fell for Samson.

Says Alberta Nokes, VisionTV’s Director of Independent Production and the Executive Producer of The Naked Archaeologist : “This series is a completely fresh way of looking at archaeology and history. Simcha takes the viewer to places most of us will never have access to and reveals what archaeology can – and cannot – tell us about history and the Bible. And he has great fun doing it.

“The show also helps us to see that the ancient past is still with us. Only The Naked Archaeologist could relate a history of the alphabet that brings together ancient inscriptions, the Biblical story of Exodus and the ‘tags’ of modern-day graffiti artists.”

Filed in:

Documentary Filmed during Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ

This was news to me: There was an Italian documentary filmed during the production of Mel Gibson’s controversial The Passion of the Christ. The film, directed by Francesco Cabras and Alberto Molinari, is called The Big Question. According to the official website, the documentary

is based on an idea which is both very simple, but at the same time quite complex: it poses extremely direct questions to a large and diverse group of people regarding their own intimate relationships with God, spirituality, and faith.

The fact that this group of people all worked on a set of a film about the passion of Jesus Christ provided for a far more attentive and profound answers.

Reports are that Mel Gibson, while appreciating the aesthetic look of the documentary, was uncomfortable with its theology and didn’t want it screened. Sounds interesting to say the least (see the IMDb information on the film here). It has been screened at a couple film festivals in 2004 (Toronto and AFI), with more screenings planned (for instance, it is being screened in Israel this week). I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled to see if it comes to Edmonton…

Web Surfers Beware: “www” in Hebrew is 666 or Mark of the Beast

I could not resist noting this story:

Domain Registrars Beware: ‘www.’ in Hebrew is 666 or Mark of the Beast

July 26, 2005 – (HOSTSEARCH.COM) – In apocalyptic end-of-the-world domain registrar security news, the newly founded e-Knights of the Cross have revealed in a press release that “www” is ancient Hebrew for 666 or the sign of the devil. According to the e-Knights the world wide web (although not the Internet) is a tool of the devil projecting the “Mark of the Beast” onto unwitting web surfers’ foreheads from their monitors. ….

Wow… they’re right! At least in that “www” represented in Hebrew is ווו (waw-waw-waw or vav-vav-vav in modern transliteration) and vav is numeric equivalent of 6 in traditional Hebrew usage. I sure am glad I don’t have “www” as part of my URL! Of course, this all breaks down when one realizes that the number six-hundred-and-sixty-six would be represented as תרסו or מסו , not ווו. (This is 400 + 200 + 60 + 6 or 600 + 60 + 6). Bummer! For more information on the e-Knights of the Cross see and

The Transporter is Unattended… Scotty Has Beamed Up

James Doohan, the Canadian actor better known affectionately as “Scotty” from the original Star Trek series, passed away today at the age of 85. While this doesn’t really relate to biblical studies, many may not know that Doohan was also a linguist. He devised the rather Semitic sounding Vulcan and Klingon language dialogue heard in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

The real reason I am blogging on this is the sad fact that I am a Trekkie. As a kid I had my Mom make me a red engineering Star Trek uniform just like Scotty’s. I had all the models, including a USS Enterprise with working lights. Even now in my office I have a small Enterprise model and if you look in my drawer you will find Vulcan ears and a working ST:TNG communicator pin.

Here are some pictures, including one from last year’s ceremony when Doohan received his “Walk of Fame” Star.


Who is going to keep the Enterprise together now? “Beam me up, Scotty…”