Bandstra Hebrew Handbook Giveaway!

So, as I mentioned in a previous post, I had the chance to review a prepublication edition of Barry Bandstra‘s  Genesis 1-11: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2008; Buy from or  As a result of the nice blurb I wrote for the publishers, I received a free copy of the book when it was published. As it turns out I ended up with two free copies, and while I like to read, I find reading one at a time works a bit better.

To make a long story short, what all this means is that I have an extra copy of Bandstra’s new book — it’s actually still in the original shrink wrap!  And then I thought since I have been so inconsistent in blogging for the last number of months, I wanted to reward my faithful readers who kept me on their blogrolls and continued checking for new posts (and even emailed me to see if everything was alright!).

Since I can’t give everyone a new book, I need some method of picking a winner. I could do something random like I have done before, but I figured I should somehow benefit from this massive giveaway. So here’s the deal. I will give the book to the individual who leaves the most humorous anecdote, joke, or faux pas about teaching or learning biblical Hebrew. Perhaps it was something another student did in class or a humorous way that your professor tried to teach a particular aspect of Hebrew grammar — it can even be a humorous resource for teaching Hebrew (a comic, short video, whatever!). I’m pretty much open to anything related the Hebrew that will make me smile and/or chuckle — I just want to give away a book. After one week, I (and perhaps my TA) will decide on a winner. And then presto! I will send you Bandstra’s book for absolutely no charge!

So let the free book giveaway begin!

(For those waiting with bated breath for my next “Yahweh – A Moral Monster?” post, I have it pretty much written and may upload it later today. Right now I have to go shopping with my teenage daughter… so pray for me! 🙂 )

Unicode Hebrew Problem FIXED

UPDATE: The unicode problem is fixed, though it looks like I will have to redo the Unicode Hebrew in old posts if I want them to show up right. The issue was when I installed WordPress at my new host, I failed to change the character set from the default to UTF-8. D’oh!

So it looks like Hebrew and Greek will now show up fine. The question is whether or not I will bother to go through all my old posts and fix them!

Thanks for all of the suggestions.


OK, as you may have noticed in my last few posts, as well as looking back in my archives, my blog is having some problems with unicode Hebrew. The following line of Hebrew is represented as a string of question marks in my browser:

‏הבל הבלים הכל הבל‎

As far as I can tell, this happened after I moved my blog to a new host provider. I can’t figure out what the problem is. I have the message encoding for pages and feeds set to UTF-8, which I believe is correct. Is there some other setting hiding somewhere that I am unaware of?
Anyone have any ideas?

How Do You Like My New Digs?

I have transitioned to a new host provider for my website and blog and everything appears to be working fine and dandy. I was pleased that there was really no down time, though my blog looked goofy and wasn’t entirely functional until this morning. I am really impressed with my new web host — I get tonnes of disk space and bandwidth, multiple mySQL databases, unlimited email accounts and as many domains as anyone would possibly want. Very nice.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am going to re-enter blogdom and will try to post regularly. I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging over the last couple years and have appreciated the number of emails I have received wondering if everything was well and asking why I stopped blogging. Let’s consider it a sabbatical and move on!

I am glad to hear that Jim West has decided to follow Jesus to blog again. His new blog may be found at Welcome back Jim!

Back to Blogging

OK, I don’t know why it has been so hard to get back to blogging. Last semester I was teaching an overload and with other volunteer responsibilities I just found it hard to blog. This semester I am teaching a lighter load, though once you are out of the habit of blogging, I find it extremely difficult to get back to it. But I am determined that I will get back to blogging regularly.

I wanted to announce however, that this blog and my web site may be down for a day or so as I change internet hosting providers. I am moving my domain to a new host that will allow me multiple mySQL databases and multiple domain names so that I can install and play with moodle and a number of other things. The transition may be smooth and you won’t notice any interrupton in service, but I thought I should note it in case you think my blog was hacked like Jim West’s blog (I can’t believe someone went and deleted his entire blog!).

Back from the Depths

OK, I know I keep saying I will get back to regular blogging. This time I (hopefully) mean it!

I have been swamped with the beginning of the semester things like writing syllabi, updating course webpages, and — perhaps the most time consuming — converting my PowerPoint lecture slides to Keynote (which, btw, I quite like). Of course, it is never as simple as just converting my slides; I must edit and update them as well, which takes even more time!

I am teaching a fairly heavy load this fall, including OT Literature, Introduction to Hermeneutics and Method, Religion and Popular Culture, and Reading the Historical Books (Chronicles). I quite enjoy teaching all of these courses, but they will certainly keep me busy. The payoff for such a busy fall semester is a very light winter semester (only 1.5 courses — yippee!).

(I have also been having some minor health issues, which are more annoying than anything else.)

So, hopefully this fall you can expect posts relating to my courses as well as sundry other topics relating to the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint, and — of course — the World Cup of Rugby.
