Visitor 150,000, Who Are You?


At precisely 8:39:53 am Eastern time this morning (Monday 19 February 2007) my 150,000th visitor happened upon this blog.

As I mentioned earlier, this lucky visitor gets a free book. The reader was a fellow Canadian from Napanee, Ontario. If you think it was you, then email me at codex [at] biblical-studies [dot] com and let me know some particulars such as your IPS, computer operating system, monitor, and/or browser software and we’ll discuss your book prize!

To everyone else, I just want to say, “Thank you for visiting!� I added the counter on July 7th 2005, so it took about 19 months to reach the 150,000 mark. More significantly, it only took just over three months to get from 100,000 to 150,000. Wow.

Again, thanks for visiting! (I hope it was worth your time!)

Approaching 150,000 — Time to Give Away A Free Book!

OK, I know that the last time I tried this it didn’t work (the person never claimed their prize), but if anything I am persistent!

As this blog approaches its 150,000th visitor (all I can say is “wow, thanks for visiting!”), I want to give away a book. So here’s the deal: if you are number 150,000 I will send you a free book (I’ll give you some options and you can choose).

I figure that number 150,000 should visit by Sunday or Monday.

Thanks for visiting and good luck!

Snowed Under…

Wow… I figured I better post something so people don’t think I have went the way of the dodo! I am snowed under finishing a couple reports for Taylor University College’s five-year accreditation review. I should be finished them tomorrow (for now at least), so I will start to post regularly again Thursday. I have my second post in my Ideas of Origins and Creation in Ancient Mesopotamia series pretty much finished, though I need a bit of time to do some final editing. See you soon!

WordPress 2.1 – Worth the Upgrade

I just upgraded to WordPress 2.1. This looks like a significant upgrade… I especially like some of the chages they did to the post editor (you can now tab between code and wysiwyg view), the autosave feature (no more lost posts!), and the spelling checker (not that I need it! :-)). There are a number of other upgrades, but I haven’t had time to explore them all.

Please let me know if you notice anything not working correctly and have a great weekend!

Back from SBL

I got back from Washington late last night to cold blizzard-like conditions in Edmonton. I could barely see the car ahead of me on the short highway trip into town from the airport. I was exhausted. I dragged myself out of bed today since I had to teach three classes (OT Literature, Intro Hebrew, and a senior course on Psalms).

I will probably write a post or two about SBL, but not tonight. Suffice it to say for now that I very much enjoyed this year’s SBL. I enjoyed meeting old friends (and seeing the new James Bond film with a number of them), making new friends and acquaintances, putting faces to the names of other bloggers, buying books (way too many!), and listening to some interesting papers (and some not so interesting).

For those who weren’t at SBL and still happened upon this blog, I trust you enjoyed (or at least tolerated!) my “Best of Codex” posts.