Visitor 100,000 Please Stand Up!

codez-100000served-arches.jpgAt precisely 8:18:05 am on Friday 3 November 2006 my 100,000th visitor happened upon this blog. As I mentioned earlier, this lucky visitor gets a free book. The reader was from Jacksonville, Florida. If you think it was you, then email me at codex [at] biblical-studies [dot] com and let me know your IPS and your computer and monitor and we’ll discuss your book prize!

To everyone else, I just want to say, “Thank you for visiting!� I added the counter on July 7th 2005, so it took about 15 months to reach the 100,000 mark.

I am pleased and humbled that so many people have visited my blog (and that says nothing about my companion Codex website).

As I have mentioned before, I have very much enjoyed the blogging experience. I have enjoyed the camaraderie between bloggers and the virtual relationships I have developed with others. I look forward to meeting some of you at SBL in Washington later this month.

Again, thanks for visiting! (I hope it was worth your time!)

Approaching 100,000

As I mentioned last week, in honour of reaching the 100,000 visitor mark on this blog, I am giving away a book to lucky (providential?) number 100,000. Since the magic (ordained?) number is fast approaching, I have changed the image on Site Meter so that people can’t tell how close they are. If my calculations are correct, the 100,000 visitor should visit this site on Friday. At that time I will post the time of their visit as well as other identifying marks and wait in anticipation for the visitor to contact me.

Stay tuned!

Approaching 100,000 — Time to Give Away A Free Book!

OK, I know some bibliobloggers think contests, recognizing milestones, and other such stuff is cheesy. But I don’t care.

As this blog approaches its 100,000th visitor, I want to give away a book. So here’s the deal: if you are number 100,000 I will send you a free book (I’ll give you some options and you can choose).

I figure that number 100,000 should visit around the middle of next week.

Thanks for visiting and good luck!

60,000 Visitors and Counting!

Codex60Served.jpgI just noticed that by blog counter hit the 60,000 mark. I just want to say, “Thank you for visiting!” I added the counter on July 7th last year, so it has been just over one year. I am a bit humbled that 60,000 people have visited my blog (and that says nothing about my companion Codex website).

What is even more amazing is the number of visitors I get from all around the world. Case in point: the 60,000th visitor was from Minsk, Belarus. Privet Belarus! I sure hope it was worth the trip!

My average visits sit at about 230 per day, which means in the next year I may have 84,000 visitors. Gee, I guess I better start writing about more than ancient toilets and tattoos!

Thank you for visiting and making blogging an enjoyable and meaningful experience.

50,000th Visitor Who Are You?

OK, OK, I know I said I wouldn’t have any more contests for a while. But I was grabbing some books from my office today and noticed that I had duplicate copies of a couple books. I also noticed that I hit the 50,000 visitor mark this evening. Then I combined those two insights and decided to give away a book to lucky number 50,000.

So here it goes. My 50,000th visitor was from Thornhill, Ontario, and is running a Macintosh computer with OSX. S/he visited my blog at 9:17:11 pm.

If you think you are the lucky visitor, then send me an email at codex [at] biblical-studies [dot] ca with some revealing information about yourself (like your ISP or IP address!) and you can pick one of the two books below and I’ll send send it to you for absolutely nothing! Here are the books:

  • Robert Alter, Genesis (New York: Norton, 1996). This is a superb literary translation of the book of Genesis with an introduction and insightful commentary.
  • Frederick Buechner, The Son of Laughter (New York: HarperCollins, 1993).  This is an absolutely amazing novel that retells the story of Jacob in a way that is both profound and well-researched. You will never think about the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in quite the same light after reading this book!

Congratulations to the winner!