End of Semester Marking Extravaganza

Once again my blogging has lagged. I just haven’t had the energy at the end of semester and I didn’t know what to blog the last couple days in light of the horrible tragedy at Virginia Tech (I know it sounds like a cliché, but my prayers are truly with all involved).

At any rate, right now I am in the midst of my bi-annual “End of Semester Marking Extravaganza” so I won’t be blogging in the next couple days. Instead, I will be holed up in my home office listening to U2 and making my way through piles of exams and papers. I hope to have all of my grades submitted by end of the workday tomorrow… but I am not entirely confident I will meet that goal. I would love to be able to put the semester behind me so I can move on to other neglected projects.

In short, stay tuned!


Happy Fool’s Day!

Ah… April Fool’s Day… I have many fond memories about fooling friends on April Fool’s Day. I think one of my best pranks was giving some friends eviction notices when we were all living in student housing at the University of Toronto. Another prank that I am quite fond of is my blog post from one year ago today: “David King of Judahâ€? Seal Uncovered (April Fool’s Day 2006 Post). Since my actual birthday is on April 1st, I have the advantage of always being aware that April Fool’s day is coming. I don’t have any pranks planned for this year… or do I?

Have a great day!

Hockey Season Over

No, I’m not talking about the Edmonton Oilers (though I may as well be!); I am talking about my son’s first year of pre-novice hockey. The season ended last weekend, though his team participated in the Tim Horton’s Timbits Jamboree Tournament this weekend (kudos to the organizers). We also had a big end-of-year team party today, so I’m bushed. I’m not sure what we’ll do with our weekends now that hockey is over.

I have to say that I was impressed with the organization of the Confederation Hockey Club (If you live in south-west Edmonton I highly recommend it!). It is very player-oriented and professional. My son’s team had great coaches and an awesome manager (OK, full disclosure, I was the manager!).

My son improved immensely over the year and has developed a love for hockey. I have to admit (and this may sound corny) that taking him to the early morning practices and games made me feel more Canadian. It’s sort of a national rite of passage (that and Tim Horton’s).

Perhaps now I can get back to some academic blogging…

Blogging Lull

You probably noticed that there has been a bit of a blogging lull! It just seems to be a low energy yet busy time of the semester, so I haven’t had the time nor the inclination to do much blogging. I’m over the hump, so to speak, so I imagine things will pick up here a bit. I have a lot of partially written posts that I hope to finish up, among other things.
