God’s Coming Kingdom…

As someone who has a couple pet rabbits, I couldn’t help but want to post this picture (and, no, they are not food, but companions to the lion cubs!).


6 The wolf shall live with the lamb,
the leopard shall lie down with the kid,
the calf bunny and the tiger lion and the fatling together,
and a little child shall lead them.
7 The cow and the bear shall graze,
their young shall lie down together;
and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
8 The nursing child shall play over the hole of the asp,
and the weaned child shall put its hand on the adder’s den.
9 They will not hurt or destroy
on all my holy mountain;
for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:6).

(HT Reuters)

Mac Woes…

sickmac.jpgMy poor Macintosh G4 Dual has been sick. 🙁

I’ve been without my Mac (and without Accordance Bible Software!!) since the power supply died over one month ago. I figured, “no problemo, I’ll just go an pick up a new one and have it up and running in a day.” But, sadly, the power supply in my G4 isn’t your typical power supply (I love my Mac, but I REALLY wish Apple used more standardized parts!). You can’t buy them just anywhere. In fact, there was none to be had in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. And guess what… new ones are unbelievably expensive. Rather than just pay the typical $50-75 dollars for a new power supply like normal people, this Mac needs power supplies that cost upwards of a few hundred dollars. In fact, some yoho at our local Mac store quoted me an unofficial $400 price over the phone and suggested I just buy a new computer! Argh!

To make a long story short, I found a used power supply on eBay and purchased it on October 4, 2006 for just over $100. “Great!” I thought, I should get the part in a week to ten days like the seller said and then I’ll be up and running. It was just delivered yesterday. Hmmm… it seems that “a week to ten days” means more like “a month”!! I was not impressed, to say the least. (Of course, now I have the moral dilemma on how to rate this seller on eBay)

At any rate, I installed the power supply and everything seems to be working fine and dandy.

Now I am happy. 🙂

My Mac is up and running with a new (used) power supply.

Accordance is up and running.

Things in my world are as they should be.

I’m Cool… Really (Nerd Test Shatter my Ego)

I am nerdier than 64% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!Well, I decided to take the nerd test to demonstrate to the masses just how cool I am (Of course I’m cool — I like U2 and Mac Computers). But, alas, I too am a nerd… but at least I am only a low-rank nerd (unlike Stephen Carlson who at 96 pts is a Nerd God as is Rick Sumner at 97). I still can’t believe that Jim West is not a Nerd :), while it doesn’t surprise me that Rick Brannan is a High Nerd (87 points), though I would have thought Loren Rosson would be a bit more nerdy than lightly nerdy!

Taylor Faculty Chili Cook-Off

The first (annual?) Taylor University College Chili Cook-Off was held today. This was an orientation event where faculty made a chili dinner for students. Each student was given one vote for whose chili was the best — and guess who won? Yup, yours truly. My bowl of red was voted number one.

I love chili (the spicier the better) and I made a huge vat for the students as well as a special “hot as hell γέεννα� version for those tough enough to try it out. I only entered the more mild version in the contest, since the other stuff is not suitable for mere mortals and I figured people wouldn’t vote for something that causes the skin to peel from the roof of their mouths!

Well, I can’t bask in my greatness too long… classes start tomorrow morning and I need to get my beauty sleep. Cheers.

Taylor Faith & Film Club

Another thing I will be involved in this academic year is a campus film club. One of my colleagues came up with the idea was soliciting help. I volunteered immediately to help organize it and we came up with four films to watch for the fall semester. We decided to only go once a month so we only had to choose four films — talk about a difficult task! This is what we came up with for the fall semester:


We wanted to choose films from a broad cross-section of classics, foreign films, documentaries, and more popular fare. We decided to make sure the first film is critically acclaimed but accessible for students — and Millions (2004, Directed by Danny Boyle, Rated PG) fits the bill. Babette’s Feast (Babettes gæstebud; 1987, Directed by Gabriel Axel, Rated G) fills the category of a classic foreign film, while Born into Brothels (2004, Directed by Zana Briski & Ross Kauffman, Rated 14A) fills the category of a documentary. Hotel Rwanda (2004, Directed by Terry George, Rated 14A) is our pick for a social justice film (of course Born into Brothels also fits this category).

We haven’t decided on films for the winter semester, though I would like to view a film that touches on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in some way — whether Death in Gaza (2004), Wall (Mur, 2004), Paradise Now (2005), or the like. I would also like to show a Jesus film for around Easter — whether The Gospel According to St. Matthew (Il Vangelo secondo Matteo, 1964) or Jesus of Montreal (Jésus de Montréal, 1989).

All in all I think it will be a great time to get together with students and view and discuss great films.