There are some interesting books in the field of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament recently profiled in the Review of Biblical Literature. Some books and reviews that I took special note of include fellow Canadian Mark Boda’s review of Kalimi’s recent work on Chronicles as well as the two reviews of Miller’s Chieftains of the Highland Clans. While both reviews of Miller’s work highlight similar weaknesses and are both ultimately unconvinced of his thesis, they both underscore the wealth of archeological data contained in the study. Finally, I would be remiss not to note Joseph Cathey’s review of Kawashima’s work on biblical narrative.
Hebrew Bible
- Barré, Michael L., The Lord Has Saved Me: A Study of the Psalm of Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:9-20). Reviewed by Ingrid Hjelm
- Birch, Bruce C., Walter Brueggemann, Terence E. Fretheim, and David L. Petersen, A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament: Second Edition. Reviewed by Gregory Glazov and Henning Reventlow
- Fidler, Ruth, “Dreams Speak Falsely”?: Dream Theophanies in the Bible: Their Place in Ancient Israelite Faith and Traditions [Hebrew]. Reviewed by Michael Avioz
- Hendel, Ronald, Remembering Abraham: Culture, Memory, and History in the Hebrew Bible. Reviewed by Athalya Brenner
- Kalimi, Isaac, The Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles. Reviewed by Mark Boda
- Kawashima, Robert S., Biblical Narrative and the Death of the Rhapsode. Reviewed by Joseph Cathey
- Kunin, Seth D., We Think What We Eat: Neo-structuralist Analysis of Israelite Food Rules and Other Cultural and Textual Practices. Reviewed by Athalya Brenner
- Miller, Robert D., II, Chieftains of the Highland Clans: A History of Israel in the Twelfth and Eleventh Centuries B.C.. Reviewed by Diana Edelman and Pekka Pitkanen
- Perdue, Leo G., Reconstructing Old Testament Theology: After the Collapse of History. Reviewed by Erhard Gerstenberger
- Strawn, Brent A., What Is Stronger Than a Lion?: Leonine Image and Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East. Reviewed by Bruce Power
Second Temple Studies
- Boccaccini, Gabriele, ed., Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection. Reviewed by Thomas Kraus
- Campbell, Jonathan G., The Exegetical Texts. Reviewed by Thomas Kraus
- Faley, Roland J., From Genesis to Apocalypse: Introducing the Bible. Reviewed by Tobias Nicklas