I came across this image as I was going through some old email; a student made it a number of years back. It certainly gives quite a different spin on the Akedah — the binding/near sacrifice of Isaac — as found in Genesis 22!
I came across this image as I was going through some old email; a student made it a number of years back. It certainly gives quite a different spin on the Akedah — the binding/near sacrifice of Isaac — as found in Genesis 22!
That is funny!
Pingback: Precious Moments Akedah at Targuman
Funny…but in a twisted, is this person off his meds? kind of way.
Will this be in stores any time soon?
I HATE Precious Moments! I want to see one illustrating a young girl being stoned to death on her wedding night because she didn’t bleed (and therefore wasn’t a virgin).