Biblical Studies Carnival XXXII Online at AHP

John Hobbins has posted Biblical Studies Carnival XXXII in three parts over at Ancient Hebrew Poetry: Part 1 deals with primary texts and discoveries, among other things; Part 2: with controversies; and Part 3 with posts on individual texts. As expected, John’s Carnival is superb.

One issue that comes up regularly is the work required to put together a monthly carnival. John himself admits:

The number of really excellent posts by biblical bloggers on specific texts continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Here is a representative sample from last month. My apologies to everyone who posted on other texts, but whose posts are not listed: there is only so much one person can read and get around to writing up

Perhaps we should move to more frequent carnivals? Twice a month? What do you think?

I am heading out of town today for a bit of a holiday (last one before the fall), so I’ll follow up on this suggestion next Wednesday.