Patristics Carnvial Online over at hyperekperisou

Those interested in Patristics will want to check out the first ever Patristics Carnvial over at Phillip Snider’s hyperekperisou. The carnival highlights posts related to the study of Patristics from the months of September through November 2006. There are posts under the following categories: Introductions to Patristics, Translation, Projects, Applied Patristics, Christian Apocrypha and Patristic News and Article blogs — as you can see, there is much of interest for anyone interested in the Church Fathers as well as the Bible and its interpretation.

Phil — who is also a brand new Dad — has done a great job with the Carnival. Make sure to check it out.

Also, if you are interested, Phil is looking for a volunteer for the next Patristic Carnival in March.