Biblical Studies Carnival XV is online at

We interrupt this Jesus Tomb extravaganza to let you know that Charles Halton has uploaded Biblical Studies Carnival XV over at Charles appropriately dedicated the Carnival to the memory of Bruce Manning Metzger, who passed away 13 February 2007. All in all, Charles has done a great job summarizing posts related to academic biblical studies in the month of February 2007 — and with some humour to boot! (Who says biblical studies can’t be funny?) I encourage you to click on over and explore it. Good work, Charles!

Biblical Studies Carnival XVI will be hosted by Brandon Wason over at Novum Testamentum in the first week of April 2007. Look for a call for submissions on his blog mid-month.

As you are reading posts around the blogosphere this month, make sure to nominate appropriate posts for the next Carnival. You can submit/nominate posts via the submission form at or you may email them to biblical_studies_carnival AT hotmail DOT com.

For more information, consult the Biblical Studies Carnival Homepage.