Reading Grammars

There are a number of intermediate Hebrew grammars designed as inductive reading guides. These works reinforce elements of Hebrew grammar that students would have learned in an introductory Hebrew class and typically introduce more advanced grammatical and syntactical concepts through an inductive study of different Hebrew texts.

BHSThe ideal intermediate Hebrew textbook for those who have used Bonnie Kittel et al as an introductory grammar is:

This work follows the terminology and pedagogical approach of Kittel, though it is also keyed to many of the major introductory grammars, including Greenberg, Kelly, Lambdin, Seow, and Weingreen (See my Introductory Hebrew Grammars Page for more information on these textbooks).

There are a number of other second-year Hebrew workbooks/readers that guide students through a number of biblical texts:

A similar work that focuses more on the exegesis of the Hebrew text and its exposition is:

BandstraA new series of reading guides that deserves highlighting is The Baylor Handbook on the Hebrew Bible series. This series guides the reader through individual books of the Hebrew Bible (or significant sections thereof) underscoring its syntactic features, typically with reference to modern linguistic approaches. There are currently three volumes available:

Tucker‘s handbook on Jonah brings in elements of discourse analysis to bear on the text, while Bandstra‘s volume (which isn’t for the faint of heart) also introduces students to functional grammar.
