Biblical Studies Carnival Business

I have two items of business for the Biblical Studies Carnival to take care of:

Nominate Posts

First, just a reminder to nominate some posts for the next carnival, which will be hosted by my former student, MA student, and new blogger, Michael Kok over at his blog, The Golden Rule. Biblical Studies Carnival XLV will feature posts on the topic of academic biblical studies written in the month of August, 2009, and should be online sometime in the first week of September 2009.

In order to save the host considerable work, please nominate some posts today (and tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that…) It’s really easy. You have two options:

  1. Send the following information to the following email address: biblical_studies_carnival AT If you’re not sure whether a post qualifies, send it anyway and the I will decide whether to include it.
    • The title and permalink URL of the blog post you wish to nominate and the author’s name or pseudonym.
    • A short (two or three sentence) summary of the blog post.
    • The title and URL of the blog on which it appears (please note if it is a group blog).
    • Include “Biblical Studies Carnival [number]” in the subject line of your email
    • Your own name and email address.
  2. Use the submission form provided by Blog Carnival. (This is probably the easier option if you only have one nomination.) Just select “biblical studies carnival” and fill in the rest of the information noted above.

Hosts Required

The October Carnival will be hosted over at Daniel & Tonya’s, Hebrew and Greek Reader. After that the schedule is pretty much wide open, so send me an email and let me know what month you would like to host (give me a couple options so I can work out a schedule). I will give preference to first time hosts, women bibliobloggers, and people who have the same views as I do except if they have eponymous blogs and like Zwingli! 😉

For more information, please see the spiffy new  Biblical Studies Carnival Homepage.

6 thoughts on “Biblical Studies Carnival Business

  1. Tyler, I did email you a while back, both to volunteer for a carnival (November or later), and to let you have up-to-date links for the two that I previously hosted on the now defunct metacatholic.
    They are the twenty-fourth and thirty-fourth respectively. I thought you might like to change the links in your master list on this site.

  2. Tyler,

    About two months ago I offered to host Novemeber (apparently that request got lost). I am still willing to host November, or possibly sometime thereafter, even though the bar has been set pretty high lately!

    Kevin Scull

  3. Hey Doug, thanks for the links; I have updated the Past carnival page. How about if Kevin does the November Carnival (covering posts from October and posted in the first few days of November) and then Doug can do the December one (covering posts in November and posted at the beginning of December).

    Duane, I would love to have you host another abnormal one! How does February 2010 sound?

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