Bono and the Edge Listened to Me: U2 is Coming to Edmonton!


In my sad post lamenting the fact that Edmonton was not among the first North American cities for the U2360° Tour, I begged Bono and the Edge (sorry Larry and Adam, but I didn’t think you had the pull) to reconsider and make Edmonton one of the stops, and I am pleased to announce that they listened to me and U2 is coming to Edmonton 23 June 2010!

Presales start tomorrow and I can buy my tickets Wednesday at 10:00 am. Tickets are available to the public 2 November 2009.

If last night’s Rose Bowl show was any indication, it is going to be a great night on 23 June 2010! I can’t wait!

3 thoughts on “Bono and the Edge Listened to Me: U2 is Coming to Edmonton!

  1. I don’t think this is an appropriate post on a Biblical Studies blog.
    Please consider before you post, what the probable audience of your blog is.
    I am not interested in things like this and will unsubscribe if this continues …

  2. Hi Carl,

    Thanks you for subscribing to my blog. If you notice my byline it says “My musings on Biblical Studies, Biblical Hebrew, Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint, **Popular Culture,** Religion, Software, and **pretty much anything else that interests me!**” Codex has never been a strictly biblical studies blog (just browse through the archives) and I have posted on U2 since I began blogging and I am not going to start. If that means you unsubscribe, then so be it.

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