Biblical Studies Carnival III is Online at ricoblog

Rick Brannan of Pastoral and ricoblog fame has done a “fab-o-riffic” job of pulling together biblical studies posts from the blogosphere for the month of February into the “sheer chunky goodness” that is Biblical Studies Carnival III. As is clear from his post, February was a good month in regards to biblical studies in the blogosphere and I encourage you to take a gander at Rico’s “super kool” post… but now I wax poetic…

Upcoming Biblical Studies Carnivals

Bibilical Studies Carnival IV (BSC:IV) will be hosted by Loren Rosson III at The Busybody in the first week of April, 2006. Look for a call for submissions on his blog soon.

Submissions (which should be blog entries posted in March 2006) for the next Biblical Studies Carnival may be emailed to biblical_studies_carnival [AT] or entered via the submission form provided by Blog Carnival here.

For information about the Biblical Studies Carnival please consult the Biblical Studies Carnival Homepage.

Previous Biblical Studies Carnivals

  • Biblical Studies Carnival II (Tyler F. Williams, Codex Blogspot – February 2006)
  • Biblical Studies Carnival I (Joel Ng, Ebla Logs – April 2005)