Biblical Studies Carnival XVI is online at Novum Testamentum

Brandon Wason has uploaded Biblical Studies Carnival XVI over at his blog, Novum Testamentum. I particularly appreciate this month’s Carnival since I fell off the blogging world for a couple weeks in March due to being busy teaching, among other things. I can’t believe how much one misses if you don’t check the blogs in a week or two! Brandon has done an excellent job highlighting the best of biblical studies in the blogosphere last month. Of course, one of the main topics is the Jesus/Talpiot Tomb debate that is continuing to dominate some blogs.

Biblical Studies Carnival XVII will be hosted by Christopher Heard over at Higgaion in the first week of May 2007. Look for a call for submissions on his blog mid-month.

As you are reading posts around the blogosphere this month, make sure to nominate appropriate posts for the next Carnival. You can submit/nominate posts via the submission form at or you may email them to biblical_studies_carnival AT hotmail DOT com.

For more information, consult the Biblical Studies Carnival Homepage.