God and Sinners

Came across these wise words today:

They queried Wisdom, “What is the sinner’s punishment?”
and it told them, “Misfortune pursues sinners” (Proverbs 13:21).

They queried Prophecy, “What is the sinner’s punishment?”
and it told them, “The person who sins shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20).

They queried the Torah, “What is the sinner’s punishment?”
and it told them, “He shall be forgiven upon presenting a guilt offering.”

They queried God, “What is the sinner’s punishment?”
and he told them, “He shall be forgiven upon repenting.”

– Jerusalem Talmud Makkot 2.6 (adapted from Sasson, Jonah, 240)

Hebrew Bible Related Reviews from RBL (15 & 23 January 2006)

There are some interesting books in the field of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament recently profiled in the Review of Biblical Literature. Some books and reviews that I took special note of include fellow Canadian Mark Boda’s review of Kalimi’s recent work on Chronicles as well as the two reviews of Miller’s Chieftains of the Highland Clans. While both reviews of Miller’s work highlight similar weaknesses and are both ultimately unconvinced of his thesis, they both underscore the wealth of archeological data contained in the study. Finally, I would be remiss not to note Joseph Cathey’s review of Kawashima’s work on biblical narrative.

Hebrew Bible

  • Barré, Michael L., The Lord Has Saved Me: A Study of the Psalm of Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:9-20). Reviewed by Ingrid Hjelm
  • Birch, Bruce C., Walter Brueggemann, Terence E. Fretheim, and David L. Petersen, A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament: Second Edition. Reviewed by Gregory Glazov and Henning Reventlow
  • Fidler, Ruth, “Dreams Speak Falsely”?: Dream Theophanies in the Bible: Their Place in Ancient Israelite Faith and Traditions [Hebrew]. Reviewed by Michael Avioz
  • Hendel, Ronald, Remembering Abraham: Culture, Memory, and History in the Hebrew Bible. Reviewed by Athalya Brenner
  • Kalimi, Isaac, The Reshaping of Ancient Israelite History in Chronicles. Reviewed by Mark Boda
  • Kawashima, Robert S., Biblical Narrative and the Death of the Rhapsode. Reviewed by Joseph Cathey
  • Kunin, Seth D., We Think What We Eat: Neo-structuralist Analysis of Israelite Food Rules and Other Cultural and Textual Practices. Reviewed by Athalya Brenner
  • Miller, Robert D., II, Chieftains of the Highland Clans: A History of Israel in the Twelfth and Eleventh Centuries B.C.. Reviewed by Diana Edelman and Pekka Pitkanen
  • Perdue, Leo G., Reconstructing Old Testament Theology: After the Collapse of History. Reviewed by Erhard Gerstenberger
  • Strawn, Brent A., What Is Stronger Than a Lion?: Leonine Image and Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East. Reviewed by Bruce Power

Second Temple Studies

  • Boccaccini, Gabriele, ed., Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection. Reviewed by Thomas Kraus
  • Campbell, Jonathan G., The Exegetical Texts. Reviewed by Thomas Kraus


  • Faley, Roland J., From Genesis to Apocalypse: Introducing the Bible. Reviewed by Tobias Nicklas

Call for Submissions: Biblical Studies Carnival II

This is a call for submissions and nominations for the second Biblical Studies Carnival, a monthly carnival showcasing the best of weblog posts in the area of academic biblical studies. I will be hosting the next Carnival here at Codex on February 1, 2006.

While I will be giving preference to blog posts published in the month of January 2006, since the last Biblical Studies Carnival was in April 2005 (hosted by Ebla Logs), I will allow posts since that time (consider these the best posts of 2005).

Please read on for information about the Biblical Studies Carnival and how to submit an entry or check out the Biblical Studies Carnival Homepage for more information.

Please feel free to advertise this call for submissions as you see fit.

The Goal of the Carnival

The goal of the Biblical Studies Carnival is to showcase the best of weblog posts in the area of academic biblical studies. By “academic biblical studies” we mean:

  • Academic: Posts must represent an academic approach to the discipline of biblical studies rather than, for instance, a devotional approach. This does not mean that posts have to be written by an academic, PhD, or professor — amateurs are more than welcome! Nor does it mean that posts must take a historical critical approach — methodological variety is also encouraged.
  • Biblical Studies: Broadly focused on discipline of biblical studies and cognate disciplines, including Ancient Near East, Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Christian Origins/New Testament, Intertestamental/Second Temple literature (e.g., LXX, Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo, Josephus, etc.), Patristics, Biblical Criticisms and Hermeneutics, Biblical Studies and popular culture, among other things.

The Biblical Studies Carnival will be published on the first of each month (see the Biblical Studies Carnival Homepage for a listing of past and upcoming carnivals).

The Biblical Studies Carnival is patterned after the History Carnival, the Philosophers’ Carnival, and the Christian Carnival, among others.

A blog “carnival” is a blog post where a host blogger links to and sums up the best blog articles in a given subject area in specific period of time. The host typically rotates among a number of different bloggers ensuring diversity and different perspectives in the subject area. Some carnival hots will group entries following different themes, while others go through the entries in order of submission (the former is preferred, though not required).

Contributors and Contributions

Biblical Studies as a discipline has a long and distinguished history. We hope that each carnival will represent something of this variegated history by showcasing a wide range of blogs and topics so that there will always be something for everyone.

As noted above, the Biblical Studies Carnival is not just for academics and specialists and entries certainly do not have to be hard-core scholarship (Hebrew and Greek are not required!). Posts should, however, take a credible academic approach to the subject matter and should not be partisan or polemical. The goal is inclusivity and credibility.

While there should be a fair degree of latitude in what is considered an appropriate post, entries should go beyond posts that consist only of web links or of quotes from other sources with little or no discussion or evaluation. Polemics and overly argumentative posts will not be accepted.

All submissions will be vetted by the host, whose decision is final.

Submitting Entries

Individuals may nominate multiple suggestions or may nominate their own writing. Please refrain from submitting more than one post by any individual author for each Carnival, with the exception of multipart posts on the same topic.

The posts should have been published recently, certainly within the previous month, and preferably since the date of the last Biblical Studies Carnival.

To submit a blog post for inclusion to the Biblical Studies Carnival you may do one of the following:

  1. Send the following information to the following email address: biblical_studies_carnival AT hotmail.com. If you’re not sure whether a post qualifies, send it anyway and the host will decide whether to include it.
    • The title and permalink URL of the blog post you wish to nominate and the author’s name or pseudonym.
    • A short (two or three sentence) summary of the blog post.
    • The title and URL of the blog on which it appears (please note if it is a group blog).
    • Include “Biblical Studies Carnival [number]” in the subject line of your email
    • Your own name and email address.
  1. Use the submission form provided by Blog Carnival. (This is probably the easier option if you only have one nomination.) Just make sure “biblical studies carnival” is selected and fill in the rest of the information noted above.

Hosting the Carnival

If you’re an established blogger who knows your way around the biblical studies related blogs (dare I say, “biblioblog”), you may volunteer to host a future Biblical Studies Carnival. Email the coordinator either at biblical_studies_carnival AT hotmail.com or at the email noted in the footer.

Please note that the Carnival coordinator has absolute discretion in approving, assigning and scheduling Carnival hosts. Hosting requires some work, but it also highlights your ow blog in the process. The goal is to rotate the Carnivals among a variety of different people.

The only additional requirement is to ensure that full contact details for the next host are included in your Carnival and to send the coordinator an email immediately after posting the Carnival so that this page can be kept up to date.


Tyler F. Williams, Codex Blogspot

Under the Weather and Somewhat Irritated

I have been fighting a bug or something this week — aches, no energy, and a developing cough. To top it all off, Friday when I left work to ride my mountain bike home I discovered someone had ripped it off! Talk about irritating! And I just had the front tire studded to give me more traction on the icy roads up here in Edmonton.

Talk about a bummer!

Christian Kitsch and Jesus Junk 6 – Philosophical Kitsch

I came across this the Unemployed Philosophers Guild website via Felix Hominum and it is chock-full of humorous kitsch.

Previous instalments of my “Jesus Junk and Christian Kitsch,” may be found here. Take special note of volume 4, the “What is Kitsch?” volume. Enjoy!

On the snack food side of things they have Nietzsche’s Will to Power Bar:

They also have a full assortment of mints including After Shakespeare Mints, After Therapy Mints, Anti Establish Mints, IndictMints, nlighten Mints, Kiss Mints, Manly Mints, Morning After Mints, National EmbarrassMints, and the theological pièCE de résistance (move over, Testamints!): Atone Mints

In addition, the Sin-O-Mints are also quite clever, as are the Forbidden Fruits sour apple flavour candies:

In the doll department, you can purchase plush dolls of many different thinkers such as Bach, Beethoven, Che Guevara, Darwin, Einstein, Freud, Galileo, Marx, Nietzsche, Shakespeare, and Socrates. On the religious side of things they have Buddha, Gandhi, and of course, Jesus — complete with a “WWID” bracelet:

One of the most “kitschy” items they have (which someone’s grandma may in fact want!) is the Last Supper Pillow with a wind-up music box that plays “Hey Jude” by the Beatles! I really think a more appropriate song would be something like Depeche Mode’s “Personal Jesus.”

They also have a variety of finger puppets and puppet sets, tee shirts, coffee mugs, among other things!

Check it out — and feel free to buy me whatever you think I may want! Seriously…

Jim West’s Biblical Theology Blog No More!

No, I don’t think the rapture has happened (and even if it did, I imagine Jim West would be down here with me!). No, maximalists haven’t kidnapped Jim (right, Joe?). What has happened is that Jim West has pulled the plug on his Biblical Theology Blog.

Do not dismay, however, Jim has started up a new blog connected to the church he pastors: First Baptist Church of Petros weblog. Here is what Jim says in regard to his decision to shut down Biblical Theology and start up the new blog (I quote his post pretty much in full):

… Readers of various weblogs will know that most recently I redacted the Biblical Theology blog. That blog, it seemed to me, had run its course and it was time for a re-evaluation of its purpose, and my own efforts in the use of this important web communication tool.

So today I laid the Biblical Theology weblog to rest. It’s time had come. Though enjoyable, and I believe useful to many, I thought it important to refocus. It has been my very strong feeling since my College days that people in the pew are in need of serious, disciplined, concise, and well researched biblical and theological information. Hence, with the new year comes a new direction in my own efforts in the blogosphere. The former blog focused on Biblical Theology for the academic community — and this blog will focus on biblical and theological studies for the Church itself — the community of faith.

I hope that those who valued the previous incarnation will also enjoy visiting here. Many things will remain the same. Many things will change. Stay tuned!


I am exceedingly hopeful that amidst the sea of biblical and theological mis-information presently online this page and the companion Biblical Studies Resources pages will be an island of what the author of Timothy had in mind when he described Pastor’s as those who “rightly divide the word of truth”.

Jim’s Biblical Theology blog was informative and insightful (and controversial at times!). I wish Jim all the best on his new blog and as you can see, I have updated my blogroll to reflect the change. I for one will be a regular reader of the First Baptist Church of Petros weblog. (Otherwise, how will I know about significant days in the life of Zwingli?)

A Survey of Commentaries on the Book of Proverbs

OK, so I’m on a Proverbs kick tonight. In advance of the online colloquium entitled on recent trends in the interpretation of the Book of Proverbs on the Biblical Studies discussion list, I thought I could offer a modest survey of commentaries available on the Book of Proverbs.

Proverbs is one biblical book that is better to take in small doses, rather than read straight through. That being said, there have been some recent scholarship on the composition and redaction of the book of Proverbs that suggests it was not compiled haphazardly (see my post on the compilation and redaction of the Book of Proverbs here). Most of the more recent commentaries also explore the connections and smaller collections within the book of Proverbs. In this regard note especially Garrett, Van Leeuwen, and Waltke.

When we turn to commentaries on the book of Proverbs there are a lot of different options. Murphy is one of the preeminent scholars on the wisdom literature of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. His three works on Proverbs are all worth consulting, though his WBC is perhaps the best of his work. Fox is also excellent for scholars and pastors, as is Clifford. I would be remiss to not mention the excellent and extremely thorough (albeit somewhat conservative) commentary by one of my former professors, Bruce Waltke. I highly recommend it. Hubbard is a good popular commentary, and I have been impressed with Farmer and Koptak. Wright‘s volume is invaluable for a historical perspective.

For more listings and evaluations of commentaries on other biblical books, see my Old Testament Commentary Survey.

My Favourite Proverb

Since I am on the topic of Proverbs (see my previous post), I can’t resist sharing my favourite biblical proverb:

כְּ֭כֶלֶב שָׁ֣ב עַל־קֵאֹ֑ו
כְּ֝סִ֗יל שֹׁונֶ֥ה בְאִוַּלְתֹּֽו

Like a dog that returns to its vomit
is a fool who reverts to his folly (Proverbs 26:11)

An apt characterization of fallen human nature, in my humble opinion.