Bible Golf Balls Promise a Holy Hole in One

Here is an excerpt from story from the called “Bible text balls promise a holy hole in one“:

GOLFERS feeling below par and in need of divine inspiration could do worse than attend a church exhibition in the Capital. The Scottish Christian Resources Exhibition (CRE), at Edinburgh’s Royal Highland Centre, will feature a set of three Glory Golf Balls, each inscribed with Bible text. One reads: “. . . but each shall go out straight ahead”, Ezekiel 46: 9; while another says: “Lift up your eyes on high and see . . . not one is missing”, Isaiah 40:26. The third reads: “I have finished the course. I have kept the faith”, 2 Timothy 4:7.

I could have used some of these balls — especially a bunch with the Ezekiel quote — for my round of golf on the weekend!

Update: After publishing my blog entry I noticed that Jim West over at Biblical Theology blog also noted this article, though he didn’t see the humour in it! (Of course, perhaps the sad thing is that many sincere people (including the manufacturers?) don’t see the humour in stuff like this either! This sort of “Jesus Junk” reminds me of an excellent book by Colleen McDannell called Material Christianity: Religion and Popular Culture in America (Yale University Press, 1995; Buy from | Buy from, in which she examines the role these sort of material artifacts have played in Christianity and Mormonism.)

An Awesome Alberta Weekend

No this is not a paid advertisement for Travel Alberta! Now that I got that cleared up, I must say my family had a great weekend at Crimson Lake. The weather was great, the lake wasn’t that busy, and everyone had lots of fun. The kids had a great time searching for minnows and leeches off the dock, paddle-boating, kayaking, playing on Splash Island, eating s’mores around the campfire, and just being together with their buddies. Perhaps the highlight of the weekend for them was tubing. They had a blast! My oldest girl received the dubious honour of the only kid being flipped out of the tube — and she loved it. My other younger daughter was almost bounced out of the tube, though her bronco-bucking skills kept her in the tube. My four-year old boy wasn’t quite so adventurous! I got some reading in (though not much), but managed to get in a round of golf at a picturesque course near Rock Mountain House, as well as some cribbage and a game of chess. All in all it was an awesome Alberta weekend.

Here are a few pictures:

Here is a shot of our friend’s cabin from the dock.

Here is a shot from the cabin porch in the morning.

My two daughters are sitting on the outside…
OK, my youngest daughter is barely sitting!
She’s holding on for dear life.

My youngest daughter and her friend enjoying some waves.

Blogging Slowdown

I want to wish everyone a great weekend. I won’t be blogging the next few days as my family is heading to Crimson Lake, Alberta, for a long weekend full of tubing, canoeing, kayaking, and putting my feet up and reading on the beach.


Inexpensive Books and SBL Publications New Releases

The Society of Biblical Literature’s Summer 2005 Publications catalog is now available online. Included in it are three new releases:

Jim West over at Biblical Theology Blog has recently lamented the cost of books here and here, as has Torrey Seland over at the Philo of Alexandria Blog here. I (and especially my wife) would like to join the lament (so now it’s a bona fide communal lament!). I find it very difficult to purchase books from publishers in the U.K. and Europe due to budget constraints, and even if I did have the money, I’m not sure I could honestly justify the price in some cases. As someone who does typesetting and editing on the side, I also have a good sense of what goes into producing a book and the only conclusion I can draw is that materials and labour in the U.K. and Europe must be quite high! (Though I understand why some books, like DJD volumes are so expensive) On the other hand, I don’t think that the classic academic publishers are making money hand over fist on our esoteric academic offerings. That being said, I want to give public kudos to the Society of Biblical Literature for their joint publishing project with E.J. Brill Publishers. This excellent arrangement provides inexpensive volumes into the hands of students and scholars, whilebeautifullyy bound hardcover volumes areavailablee for libraries or independently wealthy scholars! It makes me proud to be a member! 🙂

Posted in SBL

Update to My Old Testament on Film Pages

OT on FilmI have made some up-dates to my Old Testament on Film pages. Most of the up-dates are based on an excellent, albeit almost impossible to purchase, book:

  • Richard H. Campbell and Michael R. Pitts. The Bible on Film: A Checklist, 1897-1980. Scarecrow Press, 1981.

This is an excellent resource which I wish I knew about when I was compiling my database of films! (Though I had many which they did not include.)

At any rate, I believe my list is comprehensive — or at least as comprehensive as I can get!

Masoretes, Messianism, and Textual Criticism

I came accross a news article entitled “Rabbinic bias obscures Messianic message of Old Testament, Prof says” (It is also reproduced as “Messianic hope ‘shines’ in Hebrew Bible“). The article reports on Michael Rydelnick, a Jewish studies professor at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, who argues that the Hebrew Bible is biased against Christianity. Here are some extended quotes from the article:

Just as today there are many versions of the Christian Bible — each choosing different words to translate the Scripture for diverse audiences — there were different versions of the Hebrew Bible in the three centuries before Christ, Rydelnick said. However, when Protestant reformers turned away from the Latin Bible of the Roman Catholic Church to re-translate the Old Testament, Rydelnick noted that they accepted a Masoretic version of the Hebrew Bible that had been influenced for centuries by rabbis who wanted to obscure the Messianic message in the Scripture.
In fact, centuries ago when the Hebrew scriptures were being consolidated, Jewish scholars agreed they would only include a book in their canon if it carried a theme of Messianic hope, Rydelnick said. In the Middle Ages, however, when Jews were being pressured to convert to Christianity, Jewish scholars began to emphasize King David as the fulfillment of prophecy. The Protestant reformers — and subsequent generations of Christian scholars — based their work on Hebrew texts and commentaries that reflected a bias against Christ, Rydelnick said.

There are a number of assertions in this article which I question, though what I want to focus on is his text-critical practice. The article provides a couple of examples where the MT allegedly obscures such messianic readings. The first example is from Numbers 24:7 where the MT reads as follows:

‏יִֽזַּל־מַ֙יִם֙ מִדָּ֣לְיָ֔ו וְזַרְע֖וֹ בְּמַ֣יִם רַבִּ֑ים וְיָרֹ֤ם מֵֽאֲגַג֙ מַלְכּ֔וֹ וְתִנַּשֵּׂ֖א מַלְכֻתֽוֹ׃
Water shall flow from his buckets,and his seed shall have abundant water, his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted (NRSV).

Rydelnick reportedly argued that the reference to Agag, the Amalekite king from the time of King Saul (1Samuel 15), has no messianic connotations since it has been fulfilled historically by David. “Other versions of the Hebrew Bible” however, have the word “Gog” instead of “Agag,” and that this “Gog” is, according to Rydelnick, “the end-times enemy of the returning Christ (Revelation 20:8) – a prophecy David could not fulfill.”

On one level the report is accurate insofar that the Samaritan Pentateuch (which I assume is on of the “other versions of the Hebrew Bible” he refers to) reads מִגּוֹג “…than Gog.” In addition, the LXX and its revisers also have Γωγ “Gog.” What other version of the Hebrew Bible he is referring to is not clear. He may be referring to 4QNumb, though while part of the verse is preserved in fragment 24ii, 27-30, the text is not extant at this precise point. (As an aside, I found it interesting that DJD 12 [see pp. 235-237] reconstructed the text with מגוג, presumably because the rest of the scroll contains slightly more secondary readings in agreement with the Samaritan Pentateuch and LXX, than with the MT. The editor, however, did not feel confident enough to include it in his list of reconstructed variants.)

While the reading “Gog,” the future antagonist of Israel referred to in Ezekiel 38-39, does put a more eschatological spin on the text, a glimpse at older and more conservative commentaries illustrate that the Masoretic text as it stands has provided much fodder for messianic interpretations.

The other passage that is mentioned in the article is Genesis 49:10, where the MT has a difficult reading (which incidentally has been called the “most famous crux interpretum in the entire OT” by Moran in Biblica 39 [1958] 405). The MT reads עד כי־יב×? ש×?ילה which could be translated literally as “until Shiloh comes” (see the NASB, KJV, NKJV). Most modern translations at this point prefer to either re-divide the word and take it as ש×?Ö¶ + לה “which is to him” (as apparently the LXX and other Greek versions take it; see NIV), or repoint it as ש×?Ö·×™ לה “until tribute comes to him” (see NRSV, NJPS, NJB, as well as the Qere). Rydelnick prefers the second option and sees the passage as “a prophecy that was fulfilled in Jesus’ era, when Rome assumed judicial power over Israel (7 A.D.) and the Temple was destroyed (70 A.D.).”

I do not want to enter into the debate on the validity of messianic interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. What I find troubling is the fact the apparent mining of textual variants to find those readings which fit one’s preconceived ideological or theological views. If you wanted to look for variant readings that would lend themselves to messianic interpretations in the various texts and versions of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament you could have a field day. And the result would be a fascinating study of the early interpretation of the Hebrew Bible (see, for example, Joachim Schaper’s Eschatology in the Greek Psalter [Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1995] which attempts to find eschatological and messianic readings in the Greek translation). To use that goal, however, as the basis for determining the best text seems to me questionable. It reminds me of a recent post on the Biblical Studies discussion list where an individual preferred a reading of Ezekiel 34:29 because it supported a messianic reference to Jesus (incidentally, in this case it was the MT’s מַטָּע לְש×?Öµ×? “planting of renown” which supported the messianic interpretation of the text, not the LXX’s φυτὸν εἰÏ?ήνης). In my opinion the MT likely preserves the best text, however, my reasons have nothing to do with its potential messianic interpretation.

To be sure, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has complicated the picture of the textual transmission of the Hebrew Bible to the degree that textual criticism becomes an even more challenging if not impossible task. That being said, it does not give us warrant to pick and choose readings willy-nilly according to our presuppositions and biases. Instead, it is even more important to study the different texts and versions all the more carefully so as to discern their genetic relationships as well as their tendencies before we employ them to text-critical ends. This is a task to which few are called and perhaps even fewer are gifted.

Latest Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Volume Available

Mohr Siebeck/Westminster John Knox Press have announced the publication of the latest volume in the Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls series:

James H. Charlesworth, ed., with Henry W.M. Rietz along with J.M. Baumgarten. Damascus Document Fragments, Some Works of the Torah, and Related Documents. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Texts With English Translations 3. Westminster/John Knox, 2005.

The official North American release date is 30 July, but readers may pre-order this volume from or

More information on this series, as well as other official editions of the Dead Sea Scrolls may be found on my Critical Editions of the Dead Sea Scrolls page.

Septuagint, Psalms, and Proverbs in the Latest RBL

Jim West over at Biblical Thelogy blog has noted some Hebrew Bible reviews in the latest Review of Biblical Literature. I wanted to highlight a few others, including a very favourable review of my former professor’s commentary on Proverbs (Waltke), a Psalms-related review, as well as a Septuagint-related review:

Jacobson, Rolf A.
‘Many Are Saying’: The Function of Direct Discourse in the Hebrew Psalter
Reviewed by J. Dwayne Howell

Waltke, Bruce K.
The Book of Proverbs: Chapters 1-15
Reviewed by Eric Ortlund

Loader, William
The Septuagint, Sexuality, and the New Testament: Case Studies on the Impact of the LXX in Philo and the New Testament
Reviewed by Robert Hiebert

QuickVerse Bible Software for Mac OS X Now Shipping

QuickVerse for the Mac is now available. QuickVerse is a Bible software package geared for pastors and laypeople interested in Bible reading, Bible study, sermon preparation or teaching. Two Macintosh versions are available: A $49.00 USD White Box version that comes with 9 Bibles and 40 reference titles and a $99.00 USD Black Box version that includes 12 Bibles and 56 Reference titles. Both versions are fully Mac compatible and native Mac OS X (Panther and Tiger).

For more information on QuickVerse and other Bible software programs, see my Search & Retrieval Software for Biblical Studies page.

Latest Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies

The latest edition of the Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (Volume 37, 2004) arrived in the mail today. Anyone interested in lexicography will be interested in the three articles in this volume that originated from the Biblical Lexicography Section at the SBL Annual Meeting in Atlanta (2003).

Here is the table of contents:

  • Robert A. Kraft, “Reassessing the Impact of Barthélemy’s Devanciers, Forty Years Later,” 1-28.
  • R. Timothy McLay, “The Relationship between the Greek Translations of Daniel 1-3,” 29-53.
  • Cameron Boyd-Taylor, “Lexicography and Interlanguage – Gaining our Bearings,” 55-72.
  • Robert J. V. Hiebert, “Lexicography and the Translation of a Translation: The NETS Version and the Septuagint of Genesis,” 73-86.
  • John W. Olley, “Divine Name and Paragraphing in Ezekiel: Highlighting Divine Speech in an Expanding Tradition,” 87-105.
  • Siegfried Kreuzer, “Lexicography and Translation: Experiences, Examples, and Expectations in the Context of the Septuaginta-Deutsch Project,” 107-117.