2007 Rugby World Cup Tickets On Sale

RugbyCanada.jpgSo, if you are thinking of buying me a Christmas present, you can always buy me some tickets to the 2007 Rugby World Cup since tickets go on sale today. Of course, you would have to buy me airplane tickets to France as well, since that is where the World Cup is being held next year.

Team Canada will have an uphill battle since we will playing in Pool B along with Australia, Wales, Fiji and the winner of the top team from Asia. Australia will be the toughest challenge. I also like Wales, but that is more because I have Welsh heritage. Canada’s first game is against Wales in Nantes on 9 September 2007 and will then we play Fiji in Cardiff on 16 September, Asia 1 in Bordeaux on 25 September and Australia in Bordeaux on 25 September.

I can’t wait. Rugby is the best game in the world!

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Big Sigh…

Last night there was a collective sigh as the Oilers lost to the Hurricances. The score I predicted (3-1) was right — but for the wrong team. Well, it was very disappointing, though Oilers fans can be proud of their team for making it so far. And the Hurricanes played well and perhaps it will be good for hockey to have a market like Carolina win… I guess.

Well, I guess I should do something today… sigh…

Stanley Cup Game Seven – Go Oilers Go!

Game seven of the Stanley Cup playoffs starts in half an hour. For the record, I predict an Edmonton 3-1 win over the Carolina Hurricanes. The momentum is certainly with the Oilers after the last two wins, and even though Carolina has the home rink advantage tonight, I believe the Oilers will be hoisting Lord Stanley by 9:00pm tonight!

If you’re not an Edmontonian, it is probably hard to appreciate the loyalty and support the fans have in Edmonton for the Oilers (though I imagine it parallels the fan loyalty that surrounds the FIFA World Cup).

I grew up during the first Edmonton hockey dynasty and its great to be watching these games with my kids. Right now we are watching the pre-game show — all decked out with Oiler tattoos, shirts, and flags, of course!

Go Oilers Go!

Rugby, Hockey, and Father’s Day — What A Day!

RugbyCanada.jpgI know that technically tomorrow is Father’s Day, but I had a great Saturday. This afternoon I went with my son to part of the Churchill Cup Rugby Finals. We watched the New Zealand MÄ?ori trounce Scotland 52-17 in an entertaining game to win the Churchill Cup. In the consolation final, Team Canada played an excellent game against the USA Eagles and beat them 33-18. I was impressed with the Canadian team; the forwards played a solid game and the backs broke through a number of times. It bodes well for Canada for the 2007 World Cup of Rugby.

Edmonton_Oilers1.gifThen my family and I went to a friend’s place to watch the Edmonton Oilers‘ game in HD on his projection TV. The game was amazing! The Oilers truly dominated the game and tied the series. I think that Carolina is thoroughly demoralized after loosing the last two game. Hopefully the Oilers will play the same way Monday as they did tonight and bring Lord Stanley back to Edmonton!

Go Oilers Go!

David Beckham’s Manly Tattoo

With the 2006 FIFA World Cup starting today, I figured I should post something related to football (i.e., soccer for those of us in North America). Then I thought, why not profile the Hebrew tattoo on England’s celebrity skipper, David Beckham? I have posted on David Beckham’s Hebrew tattoo before, though I didn’t have a picture of it until recently (An individual from Germany who wanted some advice on a Hebrew tattoo sent it to me). As with many of the tattoos profiled in my previous post on incorrect Hebrew tattoos, David Beckham’s tattoo just doesn’t make sense. Here is a picture of the tattoo:


The words on the tattoo are taken from the Song of Songs 6:3 which reads as follows:

×?Ö²× Ö´×™ לְדֹּודִי וְדֹּודִי לִי הָרֹעֶה בַּש×?ֹּוש×?Ö·× Ö¼Ö´×™×?
“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine, he pastures his flock among the lilies” (Song 6:3)

While this is a very nice verse from the Song of Songs, it really isn’t appropriate for a man to have tattooed on his body! First, the word דֹּוד “beloved” in Biblical Hebrew is a term of endearment for a man, not a woman. It also can be used in the Bible to refer to your father’s brother (i.e., uncle), which is the primary meaning in modern Hebrew. It is not unisex like the English term “lover.” Second, the masculine reference is underscored with the last phrase of the tattoo: “he pastures his flock among the lilies.” The Qal participle “pasture” is masculine and clearly refers to a man. Some even argue that the image here is of a man kissing the tender part of his lover’s body. Thus, Beckham’s tattoo is totally inappropriate if he meant it to refer to his wife. And if he meant it to refer to his uncle, then it’s just sick! When it comes right down to it, this passage is really only appropriate for a woman to say to her male lover. It would have to be modified signifcantly to make it appropriate for a man to say to his female lover.

The moral of this story is, if you are a celebrity sports star with a lot of money and are thinking about getting a Hebrew tattoo, make sure you get it checked out by someone who knows what they are doing!

In fact, as a public service to all rich celebrities, I would be more than willing to advise them on their tattoos, or on anything related to the Hebrew Bible! That reminds me, do you want some more tutoring, Nicole?

The (Odd) Language of Sports

I have always thought that the terms used in some sports just don’t make sense. Not that these semantic oddities have kept me awake at night or anything. I just don’t get how the lingo developed. Here are some examples:

  • The 2006 FIFA World Cup is almost upon us. Calling the game “football” makes eminent sense since the game is played by individuals kicking the ball with their foot: foot + ball = football. Why, then, in North America do we call it soccer when no one gets “socked”? (Perhaps we should call female boxing “soccer”? Get is? “sock – her” … haha). (For the history of football, including how the term “soccer” was coined, see here)
  • Why do we call Canadian and American football, football? Whlie kicking the ball is part of the game, it isn’t a big part of the game. I’m not sure of a better name, but I don’t see why we don’t change our name so that we can call soccer football like the rest of the planet. (I know that Canadian and American Football developed from rugby and football/soccer, but why someone change the name so that we wouldn’t get confused? And BTW, did you know that Canadian/American football was first developed in Canada?)
  • Sticking with Canadian and American football for a moment, why do we call a touchdown a touchdown when no one touches down the ball? Why not call a try in rugby a touchdown since it described exactly what happens when you score (for those of you who do not understand rugby, a points are scored when a player physically touches down the ball in the opponent’s end zone). Perhaps something like “run through” would be more appropriate for Canadian and American football?
  • Football (= soccer) players, basketball players, and babies all dribble — is there a connection? (Perhaps only during salary negotiations)
  • In regard to hockey (Of course, I should probably clarify that I am referring to “ice” hockey for my international readers!), why is it called hockey? See here for some conjecture as to the word’s etymology. Why is a puck called a puck? Why did Roloson get hurt? Can the Oilers win with their backup goalie? Will Lord Stanley return home to Edmonton? Sorry… I lost my train of thought!

Well, I should get back to some real work. Go Oilers Go!

Nooooo…… Roloson’s Out of the Playoffs

I can’t believe it. I am in shock. Not only did the Oilers lose after having a commanding 3-0 lead tonight (I was envisioning a grand blog post with neat graphics and everything!), they lost their starting goaltender, Dwayne Roloson. And the winning goal… augh! I sure hope Ty Conklin can suck it up and mentally get over the stupid thing he did behind the net tonight, since he will likely be the starting goalie for the rest of the series.

All is not lost… really… the Oilers can still win. Really… 🙁